Sunday, 27 October 2013

Session 9

The class started with a very interesting quote by George Bernard Shaw. What is basically meant was when you say why, you are limiting yourself, but when you say why not, you go beyond what exists and allow people to experiment and come up with new things. Asking why limits your perspective, while asking why not makes it soar!
We were shown an interesting video on Claytronics, which has the ability to change the way we interact and communicate with each other, the way we design things and so on.
The concept of rising stars was discussed again. Those people who have the ability to imagine and change the way things are, are the real risings stars. Problems should be thought of as stepping stones to achieve and solve long term problems. 
Another video shown to us was on plastic microchips to reduce the use of silicon as chips. The video basically highlighted the fact that the unmet need and desire of people for new products is a major driver for innovation. This is called market driven research innovation. 
Another driver for innovation is the fact that supply can create demand. Unless people start using something, they don't know whether they need it or not.
Mass media and advertising are also important drivers for change. Advertisements influence people's wants and needs. 
Prof also discussed the idea of the four Smarts, and how their confluence leads to a driver for change.
The four Smarts are Smart People, Smart Money, Smart Ideas, and Smart Alliances. 

Another very interesting video shown was one on a perfect woman, who is actually a robot, and takes care of one's need without complaining. The concept of a perfect woman who is actually not real is fascinating. It has both its pros and cons. The pros are that one does not have to deal with the mood swings of an actual person, while the cons involve emotional attachment to a robot.
Prof quoted one of his favorite authors, Kahlil Gibran:
"There is a space between man's imagination and man's attainment that may only be traversed by his longing."
If one is committed to translate one's imagination and dream to reality, only then will he/she be able to fill the gap between imagination and attainment. Perseverance and dedication is essential to achieve this objective.
We also discussed several up and coming technologies, like robotics, nanotechnology, GRID computing etc.
An interesting article I came across recently on nanotechnology was
Overall, it was a very interesting session. I would like to rate this session a 9 on 10 :)

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