Sunday, 6 October 2013

Session 7

In this session, we discussed about bio business revolution in terms of agrobiology, Environmental Life sciences and Industrial Bio technology. Bio technology is basically using our knowledge about life sciences in getting things done.
Prof told us about how all life on earth is built from the same building blocks. 98% of our genome is the same as a chimpanzee, 70% with rats and 48% with a papaya tree. Nature is a very smart innovator. It uses the same components and builds something new every time.
We then discussed about the different colors of biotechnology, red, blue, green.
Red biotechnology is that which is applied to humans, Green is the one applied to plants and animals, Blue is marine application, White is industrial application.
Prof showed us an interesting video- Earth has caught a case of the humans.
Our ancestors and we have been great sinners, and we should now progress on a path of change.
People are migrating to the urban areas for better job and lifestyle opportunities. Latin America has the highest rate of urbanization. As people move, their tastes and preference pattern changes. As we become more and more urban, there will be lesser people on the fields, and the food production may fall. It is highly essential to establish a balance between different occupations, or develop such a technology that will help us to increase food yield, without adversely affecting the environment. 
What is important is to establish a sustainable and organic method for production. People are ready to pay a premium for organic products. 70% of the fish consumed in the world is actually farmed and cultured. By cultivating them for food consumption, harm to the marine environment is prevented.
Another interesting concept is Genetically Modified Food, which Prof discussed about. Most of the foods like ketchup and Doritos come from genetically modified crops. However, some people like Europeans are against GM Foods, so it is essential to lable such foods.

Prof discussed the concept of Agrobiology. It is the application of life knowledge to agriculture, while agro biotechnology is application of science to agriculture. The traditional farmer does not adopt too much mechanization and adopts basic scientific principles to grow crops, like the concepts of composting.

Another interesting theory discussed was that of Food security- a condition where all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (FAO).
UN estimates population will grow from 6 to 9 billion by 2050. It is essential to provide food for all. The more sustainable agricultural practices are, the lesser damage it will create. We are producing enough food for the population, but due to inadequate distribution of food there is world hunger.
Its is essential to facilitate adequate distribution of food.

I also had my individual presentation today, and the topic I presented on was Vermicomposting. I found this topic highly interesting and relevant for today's day and age, where it is essential to make do with whatever we get. I hope Prof, as well as the class, enjoyed my presentation as much as I enjoyed presenting it.

I would like to rate this class an 8 on 10. It was a thought provoking class, which made me think of all the waste I am generating and how I, as a global citizen, can do my part to conserve and adequately use these resources.
Recess week finally! :D

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